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China National Center for Philosophy and Social Sciences Documentation
Bertha Du-Babcock
Li-Ying Wu
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan
This longitudinal study explores the efficacy of an internship program designed for English majors, with the goal of enhancing students’ professional competencies through a seamless integration of academic learning and practical experience. The study aims to strengthen the connections between academia and the business community, thereby improving students’ readiness for the competitive job market. By employing a triangulated mixed-methods approach, we collected both quantitative and qualitative data to capture the multifaceted impact of the internship experience from various stakeholder perspectives. The findings indicate that host supervisors expressed overall satisfaction with interns’ performance, while qualitative data revealed that interns demonstrated readiness for employment, showcasing strong potential in career-related contexts, especially within Asian markets. However, the feedback also highlighted areas for improvement, such as the need for interns to refine their decision-making skills and adopt a more professional demeanor. The study concludes that the internship program has a profound and transformative impact on students’ learning experiences, facilitating the practical application of communication theories and enhancing business efficiencies. These insights provide critical frameworks for future curriculum development, highlighting the transformative potential of experiential learning in bridging the gap between education and professional practice.
Experiential professional learning, internship program design, from students to professionals, fivestage action research spiral model, academic preparedness