
ISSN Number

2632-6779 (Print)  

2633-6898 (Online)



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Ethics Statements

Ethical Considerations for Research in the International Journal of TESOL Studies (IJTS)


1. Research ethics

Authors are expected to adhere to the research ethical guidelines set forth by their respective institutions. In cases involving human participants, authors must obtain ethical approval from the appropriate authority within their institution and obtain informed consent from all participants. For research involving minors, parental consent should also be obtained.


The International Journal of TESOL Studies (IJTS) strictly prohibits any form of data fabrication, distortion, or falsification. Authors are expected to report their data accurately and comprehensively, ensuring that it provides an honest representation of their research findings.


Editors of the journal are committed to upholding the principles of editorial integrity. Manuscripts are evaluated solely based on their academic merits and relevance to the scope of TESOL Studies. The editorial process ensures fair and unbiased assessment, maintaining the highest standards of academic rigor and quality. The journal requires that all contents consulted or works referenced be properly acknowledged according to the latest APA style.


Authors are required to transparently report any conflicts of interest that could potentially impact the outcomes of their study. Failure to declare any conflicts of interest that could introduce bias or influence the interpretation of the findings may result in the rejection of the submission.


To ensure fairness and objectivity in the review process, editors of the International Journal of TESOL Studies (IJTS) will refrain from handling manuscripts in which they have any conflicts of interest. This includes situations where their personal or professional affiliations could unduly influence the selection of reviewers or the final decision on the submission.


2. Submission

Authors needs to make a statement on submission (1) has not been previously published (in English or other languages) and (2) is neither currently being reviewed nor will be submitted for review while the manuscript is being considered by IJTS.


3. The double-blind peer review process

The International Journal of TESOL Studies (IJTS) adheres to a stringent double-blind peer review policy to ensure the quality and relevance of published articles. The following steps outline the peer review process:


Initial In-House Review: The editors will conduct an initial in-house review to assess the suitability of the submission in terms of its alignment with the journal’s scope and the overall quality of the article. This step helps determine if the submission should proceed to external review.


External Expert Assessment: At least two external experts with expertise in the topic of the article will be invited to review the submission. These reviewers will evaluate the manuscript, provide constructive comments, and make recommendations regarding its acceptance, rejection, or need for revisions.


Editorial Decision: The editors will carefully consider the comments and recommendations of the anonymous reviewers to make a decision regarding the submission. Based on this evaluation, the editors will determine whether to accept the article, reject it, or request revisions from the authors.


Rigorous Peer Review: All research articles published in IJTS undergo a rigorous peer review process, which includes both the initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by a minimum of two reviewers. This ensures that the published articles meet the highest standards of academic quality and rigor.


Timely Review Process: The journal aims to complete the review process within three months or less. However, in some cases, a second round of review may be required after the authors have made revisions based on the reviewers’ feedback.


4. Open access

The International Journal of TESOL Studies (IJTS) operates under an open access model. This means that there are no subscription fees for readers, and authors are not required to pay any publication fees. All content published in the journal is freely accessible to the public online. IJTS does not impose any article processing charges on authors. This open access approach ensures that research and knowledge in the field of TESOL are widely available and accessible to researchers, educators, and the general public without financial barriers.