
ISSN Number

2632-6779 (Print)  

2633-6898 (Online)



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Home Journal Index
Online First
  1. Constructing TESOL's Future: The Implications of Automation and Political Correctness
  2. Lionel Wee National University of Singapore, Singapore   Abstract This paper highlights two interesting
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  1. The Future of TESOL with Multimodality
  2. Fei Victor Lim National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore   Abstract
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  1. TikTok Refugees, Digital Migration, and the Expanding Affordances of Xiaohongshu (RedNote) for Informal Language Learning
  2. Guangxiang Leon Liu The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China   Xian Zhao The University of Auckland,
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  1. Bright or Gloomy? Some Speculations on the Future of EAP
  2. Douglas Bell University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China   Abstract As with many other disciplines wit
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  1. Creativity in the AI Era: Humans vs. ChatGPT in Unprompted Playful Language Tasks
  2. Tan Bee Tin University of Auckland, New Zealand   Abstract Creativity is undergoing significant transfo
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  1. Generative AI as a Disrupter of Language Education
  2. Richard Watson Todd King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand   Abstract
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  1. Smart or Sweat: The Bittersweet Journey of Teachers' AI Literacy
  2. Junjie Gavin Wu Macao Polytechnic University, Macao, SAR China   Lindsay Miller The University of Hong
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  1. The Future of English
  2. Alan Maley Freelance consultant, UK   Abstract The article will offer an overview of possible future de
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  1. The Future of English Language Teaching: Personal Perspectives
  2. Steve Copeland Mike Solly Mina Patel British Council, UK   Abstract This paper outlines the Brit
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  1. Keeping up with Industry: Understanding the Evolving Professional Communication Needs in Asia
  2. Aileen Lam National University of Singapore, Singapore   Abstract The Asian workplace is a dynamic envi
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  1. What Assertive Communication Means for Gen Z and Why Do They Need the Skills?
  2. Susan Lee National University of Singapore, Singapore   Abstract Professional communication skills cour
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  1. Culture and the Art of Making Oral Presentations
  2. Swit Ling Koo Nanyang Technological University, Singapore   Abstract This article aimed to study the pr
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  1. GenAI and TESOL
  2. Adam Edmett British Council, United Kingdom   Abstract This article explores the transformative impact
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  1. Beyond the University: The Importance of Internships to Bridge the Gap for English Majors in Professional Communication
  2. Bertha Du-Babcock Li-Ying Wu Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan   Abstract This longitu
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  1. 14
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